Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome to Finals Week

I just keep waiting for the elephants to show up...

The Harold B. Lee library at BYU is a circus tonight... and I mean that quite literally.

Friday will mark our first "reading day" before finals. I can just smell the stress and desperation hanging heavily in the air.

Something is different.

Tables are full.

No light music greets my ears as I sit on the second floor in the history section.

The regularly hoppin' periodicals section which is known as a social haven is silent.

This is a bit freaky...

Just when I thought all hope was lost, the circus rolled into town.

I saw the monkeys- I was met with freshmen running around in Santa hats... dropping pens then making farting noises.

Tide rope walkers-Next, I felt like I was surrounded by the fifty million engaged couples that push their chairs together and attempt to cuddle. Look, I see a sign next to them! It reads: "Please don't feed the engaged couples, they will bite...or hold your hand." Man, I don't know what's worse...

Here are the tigers-Then note to my left the married Asian couple that fights in Chinese. The wife slaps her husband several times as he tries to move her computer. They then proceed to storm angrily in and out of the library.... over and over. Get over it people!

I'm in a quiet zone, and I keep busting up... probably embarrassing my boyfriend. Everyone turns their eyes to give me annoyed looks. I cover my laugh with a cough...

It's not my fault! I guess they don't know we're in the middle of a circus...

As my boyfriend and I were leaving he put on his HUGE coat. With me being a California... and it being 5 degrees outside... I put on my first two jackets. I then put my HUGE jacket on.I was so chubby, Chad had to put my backpack on me. Then we left....laughing....

And there you have it folks, the finale... the elephants. :)

The circus is leaving town...

Wow! Harold is on a role tonight!